Thursday, March 27, 2008


If seven maids with seven mopsSwept it for half a year,Do you suppose,’ the Walrus said,‘That they could get it clear?’“I doubt it,’ said the Carpenter,And shed a bitter tear.

How To Recognize Virgo

‘Only mustard isn’t a bird,’ Alice remarked‘Right as usual,’ said the Duchess;‘What a clear way you have of putting things!’

Married or single, it’s fairly simple to spot the Virgo in public. For one thing, he won’t be making much noise. He’s not exactly garrulous and he’ll stand out as a loner. See that gentle, attractive man over there in the corner, with the thesaurus under his arm? The one with the ticktock mind, clicking away the hours neatly and methodically noticing the smallest details? If you look closely, you can almost see him measuring each minute for what it’s worth. He’s a Virgo. See that quiet girl with the beautiful, soft eyes, waiting for the bus? Notice her spick-and-span white gloves, her cool manner. She’ll have the exact coins for the fare ready in her hand. She wouldn’t dream of asking the bus drives to change a five pound note. She’s a Virgo.

Social gathering are not the best hunting grounds when you’re searching for these perfectionists. You’re more likely to find them working late at the office than being gregarious at a cocktail party. It’s not easy for a Virgos to relax sufficiently to enjoy the carefree social swim, because they’re basically uncomfortable in crowds. They sometimes make attempts to follow the party routine through pure frustration but duty whistles too insistently to allow for much frivolity. Sometimes, Virgo can make Capricorn look like a good time Harry and that’s really going some. You’ll seldom see them blowing bubbles in the air or building in the sand. Virgos are too busy to daydream and they’re usually too tired at night to wish on stars.

The first things you’ll notice about the typical Virgo is the definite impression he gives that there’s a serious problem on his mind he’s struggling to solve- or a vague feeling that he’s secretly worries about something. He probably is. Worry comes naturally to him. One might even say he’s affectionately attached to the habit. It’s an intangible thing and elusive but his delightful smile will always seem to be hiding some great trouble.

Although the ascendant and other natal positions can modify the typical Jack Spratt spare figure, you can generally look for a rather wiry build and unusually lovely, quiet eyes. Virgo eyes are often so astonishingly clear you can almost see your reflection in them. They sparkle with intelligence and clarity of thought. There’s a purity and tranquility of expression on Virgo features that seems to deny those secret worries. Most of them are extremely attractive with delicate noses, ears and lips. There’s certainty no lack of grace and charm and they maybe a bit of vanity which pops up at odd moments. Virgos are very critical of their own photographs and fussy in the extreme about how they look both on film and in person. If you’re observant, you’ll catch them primping in front of a mirror when they think no one is looking. They’re always well turned out and usually meticulous, if conservative dressers. Virgo Maurice Chevalier would rather have been caught without a song that without his buttonhole and his tie pin.

The Virgo is normally a small person, certainly no giant but he’s muscular and he has far more strength than his fragile appearance suggests. These people can stand more intense work over a longer period of time than the tougher more brawny signs- if they avoid a nervous breakdown in the process. Although they’re externally capable and cool, inner anxieties gnaw away at them upsetting their digestion and their emotional balance. Tackling more work than they can safely manage and then straining themselves to the breaking point to fulfill the obligations is behind many a Virgo’s ragged nerves. They were meant to be calm and soothing when their intricate and delicate mechanism are running smoothly and the wheels are clogged with brain fatigue.
Virgos are unquestionably dependable and sincere. Nevertheless, they’re capable of pretending to be sick when they don’t wan to go somewhere or do something. At these times, the latent Virginian talent for acting comes forth. Occasionally, they manage to convince themselves of such imaginary ills but the cool eye and clear head of Mercury-rule people insure that most instances of such self-deception are short-lived. They are fastidious and exacting in grooming, eating, working and romance. Your neat Virgo friend who looks as he’s just stepped out of the shower probably just did. He takes more baths and showers that any four people you know put together. He also has very precise ideas about health, little patience with laziness and very few illusions about life and people even when he’s in love. Male or female, romance never clouds Virgo’s eyes with a thick enough film to blind him to any existing flaws and shortcomings in either the relationship or in the loved one. To use idiom of the day, Virgo always ‘knows where it’s at’, though the slang-hating Virgos will shrink in distaste from that phrase.

Of course, you shouldn’t get the idea that everyone born in late August or September is fussy, prissy and dogmatic. Lots of Virginians shine with a clever Mercury wit- if you catch their side remarks – and they project a bright, Mercurial charm that’s hard to resist. Sophia Loren is a Virgo, which should settle that point once and for all. You may run across a Virgo who is so busy keeping the corners of his (or her) mind neat and orderly that he’s become careless about his clothing or his surroundings which may fool you when you catch him in an off a moment. But wait. Sooner or later you’ll find him picking up a pin from the rug, brushing his hair or pinching a piece of lint off his shoulder.

Although they dream very few impossible dreams, Virgos often have the inconsistent trait of looking like lovely dreamers- as of they were all wrapped up in the very rainbows their logical minds refuse to believe or follow.

When they’re annoyed by vulgarity, stupidity or carelessness, Virgos can suddenly become cranky, irritable, scolding and nervous. But the most of the time they’re gentle folk and quite nice to have around especially around the sick room. Some of the finest nurses are born under this sign, full of efficient sympathy and crisp capability. When you have a headache, your Virgo friend is the one most likely to run to the chemist for you. If you’re at his place, he won’t have far to go because there will probably be a miniature chemist right in his house. His bathroom medicine cabinet usually loaded down with patent relief for stomachache, constipation, upset liver or acid indigestion. Peek inside sometime. He’ll never take a drug unless he’s familiar with each ingredient and how it works so he’ll be an expert at telling you which remedy will be the best for your headache, depending on what caused it. Virgos who travel often take their portable chemists right along with them. They may carry an extra suitcase just for the pills and bottles. If they’re used to a certain brand of soap or lotion, they’ll tuck that in too. It would be a disaster if they happened to get stuck in a town where they didn’t sell what the Virgo is accustomed to using. He usually buys his soap and sundries by the case because it’s cheaper – or at least by dozen – which is another reason he doesn’t like to purchase things on route. Sometimes a Virgo will even tote his own water with him on trips. Don’t laugh – do you know what can happen to a person’s stomach when certain foreign bodies in strange drinking water enter the digestive system? Virgos can tell you. When these people form habits, they form habits and taking a vacation or a business trip is no excuse to break them.

A Virgo may criticize your statements with hairsplitting arguments that drive you wild but if you are in a jam, he’ll also quickly step in to turn things right side up again with no motive except to serve. If the job that you tackled has you so bogged down in boring details, you despair of meeting the deadline; Virgo will roll up his sleeves and pitch in willingly. It’s not ego that makes him itch to take over when things are in shambles. It’s just that his orderly Mercurial mind can’t stand procrastination, neglected details or confusion of purpose. He may even straighten things out before he’s asked, with no intention of rudeness, because bringing order out of chaos is instinctive with him. He’s the kind of guest who will happily help the hostess clean up after the party. But he’s also the kind of guest who will notice immediately that you have carefully placed Esquire on the coffee table to hide an ugly stain and arranged the cushions on the couch to cover the cigarette holes.

Virgo is quick to deny his habits and traits. He as an apparent blindness to his faults and he seems unable to see his own weakness in as clear a light as he sees everything else. But the truth is that he does see them – and he sees them in such infinite detail that he can’t bear to hear them generalized. Try to tell a typical Virgo he’s critical, a worrier, fussy, neat or unusually concerned with diet and health and you’ll face a flat denial. Who, him? He’s not like that at all.
You should be able to pick out a Virgo in a roomful of people with no trouble. He’s incapable of sitting still for very long. After a while, he’ll become visibly restless and pace the floor or change chairs like a jumping jack and project a vague sense of urgency as if he’s late for another appointment somewhere. At the same time, the facial expressions will portray certain tranquility like a mask. The full damage caused by Virgo’s nervous intensity seldom shows completely on the outside but it surely can mess up the digestive system inside. That’s why you’ll often find them carrying a roll of Rennies for the tummy.

You won’t find those people lavish in affective or in spending money. They’re normally prudent in both areas, giving their love quietly and steadily with little demonstrativeness and handling cash just as conservatively. Strangely, as willing as Virgos are to give efficient service to others, they have an almost neurotic and intense dislike of accepting favors themselves. They don’t wan to be obligated to anyone for any reason. And they don’t wan to depend on anyone but himself or herself for anything. The deeply imbedded fear of dependence in old age is what makes many of them live so economically as to be call stingy. But that’s really too harsh a word. When there’s plenty of security and no need to worry about the future, Virgo will spend money more freely, although even then it will be spend with full value received- or back to the store for a refund.
Though he has absolutely no sympathy for beggars or idle wastrels, he is unfailingly generous when a friend is in trouble. The Virgo who is almost miserly when his personal needs are involved will make charming gestures of financial aid to those who really deserve it or to people he really likes or loves. But you’ll never find him throwing money away carelessly because waste is one of his pet peeves. Virgos labor hard for what they have and extravagance never fails to shock them. They usually have a few sharp things to say about spendthrifts and people who are too lazy to work.

There’s one thing that will remove some of the sting of Virgo’s criticism however and that’s the knowledge that he’s secretly as critical of himself as he is of you. He just can’t help seeing the flaws because he’s born to notice the tiniest crack in the vase. He won’t take to lateness any more kindly that he does to wastefulness. Actually, to be late is waste of a kind. It’s a waste of time and to Virgo, time is the stuff of which life is made. So be punctual if you want to avoid his stinging disapproval.

It’s hard to understand why Virginians are sometimes called selfish since they usually find more satisfaction in serving others than in satisfying their own personal ambition. The selfish label probably arises from the Virgo ability to say ‘no’ and really mean it. He gives freely of this time and energy but he won't go beyond the point of reasonableness. When demands become excessive, Virgo will balk and make his objections quite clear, perhaps too clear. As much as he loves to point out the flaws of others, he fiercely resents open criticism of his own mistakes. When a Virgo makes an error, which will be rare, point it out tactfully if you want to keep his friendship.

Virgos are surprisingly healthy in spite of their traveling chemists (unless they worry themselves into illness through overwork, mental tension and pessimism). They take good care of their bodies and they’re fussy about their diets. Still they may complain about minor ailments such as upset stomach, indigestion, and chronic pains in the intestinal area, headache and foot problems. They should baby themselves when they have a chest cold because they’re susceptible to lung ailments if their individual planets are afflicted in the natal chart. They may be plagued with pains in the hips, arms, shoulders – gout and back aches. But the Virgo’s concern about his own health will prevent most serious illness. You can bet they know exactly what they should eat and how it should be cooked.

Virgos also like truth, punctuality, economy, prudence and discreet selectivity. They hate gushy sentiment, dirt, vulgarity, sloppiness and idleness. Theirs is a practical nature with excessive discrimination- the true individuals whose keen perception keeps their desires clear of muddy, wishful thinking. A fresh breeze blows through the dream of a Virgo, sweeping it free of wisps of wild, inaccurate fancies. Once he’s learned to master life’s complicated details, instead of letting details master him, he can shape his own destiny with more certainty than other Sun sign.
Cool, green jade and pure platinum complement him and bring him luck. Don’t forget that the shy, wistful smile of Virgo hides a secret or two. Both the quicksilver of Mercury and the distant thunder of Vulcan run through his quiet blood as he dresses in his favorite color of grey, beige, navy blue, all shades of green and stark white. Underneath his serious manner lies the alluring aura of the Virgin – purity of thought and purpose, symbolizes by the Virgo hyacinth. Once you’ve known the fragrance of this Easter flower, you’re never quite free of its spell. It returns each spring to haunt the memory. Virgo has its own secret way of making the heart remember.

The Virgo Woman

She had never quite forgotten thatIf you drink too much from a bottle marked ‘poison’It is almost certain to disagree with you.Sooner or later
Sometime she scolded herself so severelyAs to bring tears into her eyes.

It’s quite true that she’s basically shy. No argument there. Virgo girls don’t climb on soapboxes to make fiery, aggressive speeches or chop up saloons with hatchets. They don’t get arrested for drunken driving either. But a Virgo woman is a woman. She has all the necessary wiles and weapons including a determination to pursue happiness wherever the path happen to lead her. A few prickly thorns along the way won't cause her either to faint or cry weakly for help.
She’s basically pure-minded- true. But so is love. Real love. And Virgo is not interested in any other kind. She’ll climb the tallest mountain and storm the raging seas in galoshes and a pea jacket once the spirit of Mercury has been exalted which can considerably dim that wispy, chiffon image.

Once she’s accepted a love as true and ideal, the purity if her own concept of the relationship reigns supreme over all the pieces of legal paper in the world. She’s the one woman in the zodiac who can be deadly practical and divinely romantic at the same time.

The fiery, physical aspect of love may be somewhat subdued in the typical Virgo female but there’s a mysterious, quiet, waiting quality in this woman and ‘passion of the spirit” in a most satisfactory substitute to men who prefer delicacy of understatement in romance.

She’s perfectionist but that doesn’t mean that she herself is perfect. She has negative traits and they can be very trying. To begin with, Virgo female have this dogged belief that no one can do things as orderly and as efficiently as they can. What really drives you wild is that – usually –ever keep a Virgo woman waiting for a date? When she’s upset or cranky, she won't rage and storm and break bottles over your head, but she can shrewish and fussy when you’ve annoyed her. You might as well expect a frank scolding. An occasional Virgo woman can come pretty close to behaving like a virago but most of them don’t carry it that far. Take her flowers. Admit you’re wrong and don’t argue. It won't do you a bit of good; you can’t win with a Virgo. The earth is her element, so she appreciates the creations of nature and the posies will soften her irritation. As for the apologies, keep them brief and accurate. Virgo is nobody’s fool. Her clarity of vision will spot an elaborate lie by the smoothest talker and the faintest smear of lipstick on the edge of a collar. She may be pure-minded but she’s certainly not naïve.

This girl has a mental block when it comes to admitting she’s wrong- like a block of wood right in front of her brain- so you’d be smart to take the blame right away. Most of the time, she’ll be right, frustrating though it may be. So why fight it? When you’ve put her back into her normal mood, she’s such an exquisite delight, you won't care who won or lost.

If you can bear the wound to your male ego, you might profit from taking her financial advice or letting her handle the budget. She’s concise and practical and she catches tiny errors even a CPA might overlook.

Brush up on your manners and your grammar if you’re dating a Virgo. She won't take kindly to abuse of the language, swearing or drinking from the finger bowl.

She loves plays, concerts and books but she’s severely critical of the content. She’s just as critical of your tie and how you wear your hair, which you do and what you say. To criticize is as natural to her as breathing is to you. Virgo is the external perfectionist and without her we would all be pretty messy and sloppy around the edges. Don’t criticize her however. That’s against the rules. The golden rule definitely does not apply here. What she does to you, you’d better not do to her. Her crystal clear thinking makes her inwardly as aware of her own imperfections as she is of yours and she judges herself frequently and harshly which is why she feels she doesn’t need any help from you. Of her it can be truly said that she’s ‘her own worst critic’.

Once nice thing about being in love with this woman is that she’ll do all your worrying for you and possibly even enjoy it. She’ll keep you from goofing without robbing you of your manhood, an art that woman born under other Sun signs might well imitate.The Virgo girl is annoyingly meticulous about small things but she can also be the kindest, most generous and affectionate little creatures in the world. Consider her perfectionism a virtue instead of a vice. With all the impulsiveness rampant in the world, what we would we do without the sharp eye and mind of Virgo? Even while she’s irritating you with her critical ways there’s a lovable quality about her that’s downright irresistible. Her modest manner and soft, clear eyes have done their job well. You’re probably even found out how much fun she is when people don’t pick on her and what a clever wit lies inside that pretty head. It’s a lovely and strange thing that when Virgo women laugh it often sounds like the peal of little bells.

She has no illusion so don’t try to sell her any phony ideas. To her, truth is beauty- and beauty is truth. She’ll share herself cautiously only with the one she trusts and little things mean a lot to her. Despite her modesty and natural shyness she’s tough enough and strong enough for others to find comforting when dark clouds gather. The quiet courage and deep sense of responsibility of Virgo woman often acts as a magic glue to hold large families together. She’ll probably be a good cook and she’ll never poison you with her soup. Your house will be clean and cozy and the big bowl on the coffee table will hold apples instead of chocolates (bad for the teeth and general health).

You’ll probably never see your youngster running around the neighborhood with a runny nose, a jam stained face or torn sneakers. You won't find tiny fingers scattering your tobacco or coloring on your private papers either. She’ll be a firm disciplinarian. Virgo women seldom have more than one or two children and don’t seem need motherhood to satisfy their femininity. But once baby has bounced into her life, she’ll never neglect his physical, moral or educational needs. She may not supply his emotional needs as easily but if she’s sure of your love and knows she’s appreciated, she’ll relax and give her offspring plenty of warm affection. Little one often find Virgo mothers delightfully funny and gentle. They’ll be firm and try to instill good habits but they have a tender tough that tells a child he’s securely loved.

You may often catch her busy with sewing or mending and if you have a really typical Virgo wife, your house may be full of the heavenly mixed fragrance of fresh flowers and hot home made bread, baking crisply in the oven. It’s pretty nice to come home to. She’ll dust off your old dreams and make them shine again. She’ll nurse you like an angel when you’re ill. She’ll dress neatly and be able to talk with you about something beside nappies and beauty parlour gossip. You’ll get every ounce of loyalty and devotion you deserve. She won't throw your money away foolishly. She’ll keep your secrets in her heart, help you organize your work and probably won't get wrinkled in middle age. Now really, isn’t all that worth minding your manners and keeping your fingernails clean? Her eyes are cool pools of pure love and when she smiles, she can light up a whole room with her radiance. Better keep her. You may never get so lucky again.

I found this in a book of horoscope....Hmmm..most of it quiet true...Indeed help me to understand myself better...:@(Got the book while ~Dear~ trying to go after me)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fallen Embers

Fallen Embers - Enya

Once, as my heart remember,
all the stars were fallen embers.
Once, when night seemed forever
I was with you.
Once, in the care of morning
in the air was all belonging.
Once, when that day was dawning.
I was with you.

How far we are from morning.
how far we are
and the stars shining through the darkness,
falling in the air.

Once, as the night was leaving
into us our dreams were weaving.
Once, all dreams were worth keeping.
I was with you.

Once, when our hearts were singing,
I was with you.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Malacca New House

Just now accompany my bro to go to the developer office to pay the house deposit…Soon we gonna have a new house…I love my new house….Everything also ready lo…After renovation then we can move it lo….Hope can spend Chinese new year there…:@....I guess this is a very good year for my famili….

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I'm Voting

Vote!Vote!...This is the second time I’m going to vote….Well, this the 1st time , my bro going to vote too..